Terms of Use

Thank you for visiting the tnyellowpages.com..!! TN Yellow Pages website’s terms of use are set out below governing your usage to this website. We request you to read all the terms and conditions carefully before start using this website and if you have any question related to our terms, feel free to contact us. By using TN Yellow Pages website, you acknowledge and agree that you have had an opportunity to read and understand the agreement and agree to be bound by it. The terms and conditions of any other agreement you have with tnyellowpages.com must be honored along with the following Terms of Service.

1. Privacy Policy

To view our privacy policies, please visit our privacy page to know how we collect data from our users and what we do perform using those data’s.

2. Acceptance of terms

To view our privacy policies, please visit our privacy page to know how we collect data from our users and what we do perform using those data’s.

3. Copyright

TN Yellow Pages site is protected well by the copyright law that includes all the components of our site but not limited to the tnyellowpages.com’s website design, the text forms used, Graphical features utilized, subsequent files, and arrangement and selection thereof. Unless specified within this policy, none of our website material may be copied, reproduced, distributed, republished, downloaded, displayed, posted or transmitted in any form or by any means, including, but not limited to, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of TN Yellow Pages or the respective copyright owner.

4. Trademarks

TN Yellow Pages has been registered for its trademarks which may not be utilized, imitated, copied in any part or entirely unless the user has been permitted to do take the action. This includes Page headers, scripts, buttons, icons as they are important trademarks and must not be copied, or duplicated without legal permissions.

5. Requirements

The website offerings will be available only to individuals who enter into legally binding contracts under the applicable law.

6. User conduct

You understand that all information, data, text, software, music, sound, photographs, graphics, video, messages, lists or other materials, whether publicly posted or privately transmitted, are the sole responsibility of the person from which such Content originated. This means that you, and not TN Yellow Pages, are entirely responsible for all Content that you upload, post or otherwise transmit via the Service.

7. Website use

While attempting to use your site, you must guarantee that all the information’s provided by you are true, accurate, complete, and current. Once having an account with us, you may safeguard your account details and supervise frequently as you wish. We retain the right at our sole discretion to deny access to anyone to this Website and the services we offer, at any time and for any reason, including, but not limited to, for violation of this Agreement.

8. Prohibited Activities

The content and information on this Website including, but not limited to, messages, data, information, text, music, sound, photos, graphics, video, maps, icons, software, code or other material, as well as the infrastructure used to provide such content and information, is proprietary to us. You agree not to otherwise modify copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell or re-sell any information, software, products, or services obtained from or through this Website.

9. Indemnification agreement

If you have violated the terms and conditions mentioned by us or used our website to conduct behavior resulting in any demand, loss, or claim, you must agree to indemnify and hold our site blameless.

10. Disclaimer

The user agrees and understands that the website and its content, services, products and materials that have been made available are supplied at an "as is" and "as available" basis. You agree that using this website is at your own risk. You agree that you alone are responsible for damages that may result as a consequence to your business. Nothing in these terms and conditions excludes or restricts TN Yellow Pages site’s liability for personal injury resulting from any negligence or fraudulent.

11. Imitations of Liability

To the maximum extent permitted by law, TN Yellow Pages accepts no liability for any direct or indirect loss or damage, foreseeable or otherwise, including any indirect, consequential, special or exemplary damages arising from the use of the website or any information contained therein. Users should be aware that they use the website and the Content at their own risk.

12. Modifications to service

tnyellowpages.com reserves the right to modify or discontinue the Service temporarily or permanently at any time or from time to time with or without notice. You agree that TN Yellow Pages shall not be liable to you or to any third party for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of the Service.