

1. What is TN Yellow Pages?


TN Yellow Pages is a website that lists businesses, usually within categories. This directory allows business owners to list their business, get their name in front of the customers, and give customers the information they need to contact the business. It also narrows the World Wide Web down to local communities and places and makes local businesses more accessible to the customers that use them.


2. How do I register my business?


It’s very easy to get registered with us! You have to go to the registration page and proceed with the specified instructions.


3. How long does it take to get my business verified?


Upon receiving your verification code, we will verify your business within 2 working days.


4. Why TN Yellow Pages is needed?


Through this directory, business personnel’s can promote their business by publishing their site in this directory and so that people can find them when they require the respective services.


5. Who are all can list in this directory?


Everyone can list their business using this directory right from groceries shop to persons who are working on their own.


6. How do businesses can be found out in TN Yellow Pages?


A business can be found by entering a keyword and browsed by the category.


7. When can I add my business to TN Yellow Pages?


You can add at any time you need. The only thing you need to do is to contact us for further details through specified email id or contact number.


8. What about the costing of this directory listing?


Whatever may be your business, TN Yellow Pages just costs Rs.1500 as a single time investment which gives the huge business benefits for your lifetime.


9. Hi! My business doesn’t come in any category you have already listed up. So, can you add an extra category in your site


Yeah, sure we can add it. Not a problem we are happy to add new categories when a business wants to get listed. By the same token, we do want to have too many similar categories, so we will review each request before adding a new category to the list.


10. Can a business be listed under more than one category?


Yes, of course, lots of business doesn’t fit neatly into a single category, for example, many of the car rental folks also provide taxi service. We want to make sure your customers can find you as easily as possible, so choose all the categories that apply and make it easy for your customers to find you.


11. How can I add extra details to my business when needed?


It is very simple to add the details you want to add additionally. You have to go to the login page and can make changes needed once after you were being logged in.


12. Can small businesses profit from using TN Yellow Pages?


When thinking about using TN Yellow Pages, many small businesses make the mistake of thinking it only works for huge companies.


13. How do I submit a picture for my listing?


You will need an image file in the standard .jpg format and under the manage Listing option; you can add your profile photo.


14. Why couldn’t I do this with Google for free of cost


Yes, you can do it. But, Google self-verification does not help your business get high ranking with any keywords and does not put you in search engines.


15. What Are The Benefits Of Adding My Business?


• Increased leads that you can follow up and generate sales from.
• Increase your online presence
• Allow the thousands of potential customers who use the directory each day to find you.


16. Is this directory the same as search engines?


TN Yellow Pages has a search function with it and this is why it makes users easily find the business what they are looking for. However, this directory does not become a search engine.